Dropship Price $5.00! Û Û ÛßßÛ ÛßÛßÛ Ûßßß ÛßÛ ßÛß ßßßÛ ßÛ ÛßßÛ ßÛ ÛßßÛ Û Û Û Û Û Ûß ÛßßÛ Û Üßß Û Û Û Û ß ß ßßßß ß ß ß ßßßß ßßßß ßßß ßßßß o ßßß ßßßß ßßß Just $25.00 + $5.00 S&H ** þþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþ BONUS: Purchase HOMEBIZ.101 (regular version, not "On Approval") and get CA$H.EXE for just $15.00!! That's $25.00 OFF the regular price of $40.00! Read All about CA$H.EXE in this issue! þþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþ þ Received your package May 25, 94. Having completed the review and printed out applicable data we are pleased with the package contents, especially the Drug Program. We feel the Drug Program needs to be in every household and every childs hand; perhaps every ADULT hands too. J.D., Tennessee þ Thank you for the HOMEBIZ.101. It looks great! I am impressed at the quality & volume of info. P.Z., Alberta, Canada þ Your HOMEBIZ.101 package is very easy to sell!! R.G., Dallas, TX þ Recently I purchased HOMEBIZ.101 and found it to be a fantastic system. T.G., Apopka, Florida þ I just ordered and received HOMEBIZ.101 from you and am enjoying it very much. You have put an enourmous amount of thought into this, I can tell. M.G., San Diego, CA. þ I think your products are super. R.H., Cleburne,Texas þ I received the HOMEBIZ.101 and am quite pleased with the amount of information, the type of information and the physical arrangement of this information. I have ordered several "Mail Order Make Money Re- printing These Reports," and have always been dissappointed with the short (sometimes one paragraph) and often worthless information erroneously described as" reports." J.R., Spokane, WA (These, and other, letters are on file at Opportunities Online) þþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþ IMAGINE... YOU COULD BE MAKING UP TO $50,000 CREATING INFORMATION PRODUCTS PEOPLE WANT TO BUY Now it's easy to start your own computer based business! Dear Entrepreneur, Have you been searching for the right opportunity to start a profitable PC based business? Your search is over! But first, lets be realistic. For most of us, there is no "easy way" to make money unless we win the lottery. Despite the many claims that you will run across, it takes an investment of both time and money to build wealth! BUT THERE IS A WAY TO MAKE A SUBSTANTIAL AMOUNT OF MONEY USING YOUR PC - IF YOU'RE WILLING TO PUT FORTH THE EFFORT! Information professionals like yourself, have special knowledge that other people are willing to pay large amounts of money for. How much? You can earn hundreds of dollars a day regularly - even become an information millionaire. I write "How-To" reports of all kinds, all of which I create using an IBM compatible PC, a simple text editor, and an ink jet printer. I don't even need expensive word processing or desktop publishing software! And I really don't need the ink jet, either! I'm in the business of showing other people how to do things... and I do it by means of electronic, or disk-based, publications - and so can you. Why will your information products sell like hotcakes? What if you offered to sell unlimited rights to information people want and would pay to get? Rights to information that requires research, lots of research, that takes time to organize, create, and publish. People quickly understand and recognize the extra value, when they read "Royalty Free", "Unrestricted Use", or "Modify For Your Own Use". I want to let you in on a little secret. The value-added jumps geometrically when you offer your customer unrestricted reproduction rights. 5 page report (no rights) $1.00 - $5.00 5 page report (reprint rights only) $5.00 - $15.00 5 page report (unlimited rights) $15.00 - $150.00 Now, I don't sell unlimited reprint rights to all of my products. Some, like ASCII Brings Cash!, have been very good sellers, however! DOES THIS PEAK YOUR INTEREST? Let me tell you about my latest PC disk info-product, HOMEBIZ.101. It's a jam-packed, complete, ready-to-go business! It has everything you'll ever need to make money in the information publishing business! It gets you started with three full-length electronic books, "Writing & Selling Disk-Based Information Products", "Earning Money With Your Commercial BBS", and "ASCII Brings Cash". By the way, ASCII Brings Cash is 34 pages of Info-Publishing gold and I'll give you UNLIMITED reprint rights to it! You can add to it, change it in any way you want, use all or parts of it in your own publications, and even add your name to it as the author. That's what I mean by un- limited, or unrestricted reproduction rights! But HOMEBIZ.101 is much more than a collection of things you can copy and sell. It's got commission dealerships for most of my products, my jam-packed catalog\demo disk (like this one) with your name on the menu, advertising discounts, and more. See our products in this catalog. I'm talking about products like "The Family Computer Guide To Drugs And Drug Abuse". With HOMEBIZ.101 you get a 66% commission dealership for this fast-selling item plus a color demo disk to show it off! This one has been a real money-maker this year! Now you can add them all to YOUR product line and make money NOW! Of course, you can purchase any of the products and services individually if you want. I just wanted to showcase HOMEBIZ.101 because it really is the best $30.00 you'll ever spend in your quest for a profitable home- based PC business. Oh, did I mention that HOMEBIZ.101 also has BBS software and a program to help you make your first disk-based book? It's in there! Once you've created your first info-product, I want you to advertise it FREE on our home-based entrepreneur's BBS in Dallas! HOMEBIZ.101 comes with a FREE 200 word classified ad on this publication AND on the Opportunities Online BBS in Dallas, TX for a minimum of 60 days. Plus you get a 50% discount on future advertising! Oh, did I mention you get 50% off of just about everything else we sell? Well, just about everything we have is already in HOMEBIZ.101, but there may be something left you can buy! Anyway, HOMEBIZ.101 is more than just discounts. Those reports with reprint rights I told you about are valuable lessons in starting and operating your new information publishing business! Here's a few of them: The Secrets Of Mail Order * Mail Order Laws and Regulations How To Start Your Own Mail Order Business * Setting Up A Distributorship * What You Should Know About Multi-Level Marketing Mail Order Fraud * and over 90 more money-making reports! These will return the cost of this program almost immediately! Use them to learn, then print them out and sell them at any price! Or sell them as on-disk reports! Oh, a few more of the reports are The Police Report Series (11 reports from Avoiding Tickets, Avoiding Arrest, Traffic Laser, and more) my 10 page printable version of the drug awareness program called "The Family Guide To Drugs And Drug Abuse". Advertise just this 10 page report and you'll recoup your money in no time! HOMEBIZ.101 will show you how to create disk-based information reports and books even if you're not an expert or a writer. You'll learn simple steps to successfully start your information business; You'll learn simple steps to create and produce your first information product; You'll learn how to use your PC to research and create information that people want to buy - NOW. And you'll be making money within weeks by regenerating the sample reports, sales letters and classified ads that pull orders - Fast! HOMEBIZ.101 provides everything you need: Marketing methods, report ideas, software, sources, production, and advertising.... all the tricks-of-the-trade for a quick start... not a cold start! Imagine... each valuable report can be printed and sold at any price! There are no restrictions on the "ASCII Brings Cash" book! You can modify it for your own unlimited use. Even put your name on it as the author! Add or delete text. It's all yours! All the information is supplied on IBM compatible disks. Copy for less than 25 cents! Sell for $25 or more! That's right..assemble one, two, or as many of the 100 reports as you want on a disk and sell it at any price! The mail order "how-to" reports, or the ASCII Brings Cash Book, or The Police Reports, or The Drug Awareness Report. Disks are now less than 25 cents if you buy 50 or more. If you charge $25.00 per disk your profit margin is 8000%! Try that with any other product! It can't be done! And I'll tell you where to get the disks at this price if you don't know! MAKE NO MISTAKE: Your information business will not start automatically. In order to get off to a fast and profitable start, it requires the solid "How-to" pointers that are jammed into HOMEBIZ.101. ORDER YOUR COPY OF HOMEBIZ.101 TODAY AND START EARNING MONEY WITHIN WEEKS! I know these programs work because I use them everyday AND I MAKE MONEY! JUST $25.00 + $5.00 Shipping YOU GET ALL OF THIS WITH HOMEBIZ.101! One hundred (100) 100% ALL-PROFIT reports with complete reprint rights! Three full-length books, one with UNLIMITED, UNRESTRICTED reprint rights, and the other two with 100% commission dealerships! (You can advertise them separately if you want and I'll dropship them to your customer for just the $3.00 shipping charge!) 50% commission dealership for other Opportunities Online products! This means you can buy any individual item at 50% discount. Even future products! Disk-Based book processing software! Computer bulletin board software! Dealer's version of The Mail Order PC Gazette (this PC disk catalog) with your name on the menu and order form. All orders come to you! A FREE 200 word ad on the Opportunities Online BBS and The Mail Order PC Gazette for 60 days! Dealer instruction disk with marketing tips and printable sales letters for all products and advertising! 100% commission dealership for the complete HOMEBIZ.101 package! You keep $25.00 on each sale! I ship the complete program to your customer for just the $5.00 shipping charge! I've done most of the work for you already! Everything is set up and waiting for you to make money now! If you're really serious... ...THERE'S NO REASON TO WAIT ANY LONGER! ORDER TODAY! ±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±± Now, here's some of the valuable reports with reprint rights! You can advertise these as a set, or individually at any price! Note: Although you may sell the reports with reprint rights, only Opportunities Online can ship, or dropship, the complete HOMEBIZ.101 package, and associated dealer benefits! * The Family Guide To Drugs And Drug Abuse 10-page report. * Basic Mail Order: A Beginner's Library (Seven Reports) * How To Start Up Any Business * Dictionary Of Mail Order Terms * Secrets and Top Tips of Mail Order Advertising * How To Set Up Your Own Mail Order Distributorship * A Short Course In Mail Order Fraud * What You Need To Know When Buying A Personal Computer * What You Should Know About Multi-Level Marketing * 22 Best Mail Order Products * 15 Mail Order "How-To" Reports * How To Operate Your Own Printing Business With No Printing Equip. * Six Secret Formulas That Can Fill Your Mailbox With $$$ * How To Save Up To 75% in Advertising Costs * What Is The Easiest And Most Profitable Mail Order Business * How To Write Classified Ads That Get Orders * How To get Orders In Your Mailbox 365 Days A Year * A Mail Order Business You Can Start With No Investment * Make Big Money With Postcards * Make Big Profits Publishing Your Own Adsheet * How To Get Free Commission Circulars For Life * How To Make Money With Your Daily Newspaper * How To Get Free Mailing Lists, Stamps, and Envelopes * A Product You Can sell to Everyone ( And Make Yourself) * How To Collect Names Easily and Sell Them For $3 -$5/100 * Make Big Money Selling This Report To Teenagers * Mail Order Laws and Regulations * How To Start Your Own Mail Order Business * The Police Report Series (11 Reports). * How To Avoid Traffic Tickets * How To Avoid Being Arrested * How To Avoid Traffic Accidents * How To Get The Most From Your Police Department * What To Do When You're A Crime Victim * Understanding Police Radar * Primer For Police Applicants * Federal Law Enforcement Job Guide * Guide To Police Scanning * Popular Con Games And How To Recognize Them * Police Traffic Laser * 15 Personal/Home Security Reports * How To Protect Your Home From Intruders * How To Protect Yourself On The City Streets * How To Protect Your Valuables From Theft * How To Protect Yourself When Travelling * How To Guard Against Purse Snatchers * How To Protect Yourself From Armed Robbery * How To Protect Yourself From Pickpockets * How To Safeguard Against Rape * How Shoplifting Affects You And Your Family * How To Protect Your Cars, Bicycles and Motorcycles * How To Protect Your Home While Away * How To Burglar-Proof Your Doors * How To Burglar-Proof Your Windows * How To Select A Burglar Alarm * How To Reduce Crime In Your Neighborhood * How To Publish Your Book For 20 Cents A Copy * Secrets of Mail Order * Which 3 mail order publications pull in the most orders? * What should YOU do when you get a letter from a Postal Inspector. * Who does the finest Printing and Typesetting work in Mail Order? * Starting your own home business? What are the ten steps you should follow? * Which mailing lists pull best? * Which kind of circular pulls best? * The winning sales letter. * Which is the best way to mail out your offer? * The 10 Best Mail Order Businesses to start. * Which company offers reports with full reprint rights that you can copy and resell? * What does it REALLY take to make money in Mail Order? * Mail Order Terms and Definitions * Selling to College Students. Plus over 30 additional reports have been added to the above list!!! ** Price includes a 100% commission dealership! You keep $25.00 every time you sell this package! I ship it to your customer for just $5.00! (US Orders Only!) NOTE: Available on 3.5" 1.44M HD Only. (It's massive, that's why!) Also see the HOMEBIZ.EXE and "HOMEBIZ.101 On Approval" offers! Important Note About HOMEBIZ.101 A few of our products (HOMEBIZ.101 and "The Family Computer Guide To Drugs & Drug Abuse" dealerships) require a very, very slight knowledge of making your way around your computer. These programs require that you be able to copy files from a floppy to a hard drive or other floppy. They also require that you be able to utilize your MS-DOS text editor (or any other editor or word processor that can save in ASCII format) to add your name and address to one or two places (the opening menu and order form in our catalog disk, and the order from in the drug awareness demo disk). All this should take you no more than 5 or 10 minutes! Now having said all that, you can still sell the complete HOMEBIZ.101 package as a unit, time and time again, without ever really opening it! Just use the 8 x 10 circular, and/or small display ads to sell HOMEBIZ.101 and I'll ship it to your customer for just $5.00! HOMEBIZ.101 includes a "HELP" file with full instructions and marketing tips, and it also contains many sales letters and classified ad samples on disk. You must either use a text editor to add your name and address to these before printing, or use a typewriter to add it after printing. Or you can use our examples and make your own sales letters in your own words. For these reasons, we ask those of you who can make your way around text editors to perform these tasks when you receive your distributor's packages so that we can continue to keep prices low. This helps not only us as the prime source, and you as the purchaser/distributor, but also your future customers who will buy from you due to our attractive pricing, not to mention the other benefits. The HOMEBIZ.101 and "The Family Computer Guide To Drugs And Drug Abuse" distributorships are shure-fire money-makers for anyone willing to invest ten minutes to set things up after receiving the package. Thank you for your understanding. This note will probably kill a few would-be orders, but I would rather have that happen than to have someone order HOMEBIZ.101 and not have any idea what it was they actually received.